Our Founder
All around good guy. He literally wrote the book on environmental accounting, you can purchase your own copy here
In Memorium
Russell James Marks
Russell James Marks started his working career in 1970 as a hydrographer in Western Australia. During the following twelve years, he travelled widely in Western Australia, South Australia, Queensland, New South Wales and Victoria, collecting and validating data on the water resources of Australia – mainly in the pursuit of characterizing and describing river flow quantity and quality.
During the 1980s, he was involved in the early work of developing a water database for South Australia (the Hydromet project). During this time, he first encountered the general topic of environmental data and recognised that water data is a subset of environmental data.
In 1990, Russell established Greenbase Consulting Pty Ltd in Perth and developed a professional relationship with Murray Ryall, who had his own consulting company named Nuytsia (WA) Pty Ltd. Russell and Murray occupied themselves for the next decade developing guerrilla databases for clients needing to manage environmental data.
In 1999, Greenbase Consulting and Nuytsia were requested by Sons of Gwalia Gold to assist with preparing their first National Pollutant Inventory reports. Both Russell and Murray realised that this was actually an accounting problem and not a software development problem.
In 2004, Greenbase Consulting and Nuytsia were amalgamated to form Greenbase Pty Ltd to provide environmental accounting services to the industry.
Greenbase is now the largest environmental accounting firm in Australia and provides services in a number of overseas countries as well.
RJM, March 2018
Russell has been the Architect and Sage of Greenbase and leaves the next generation with big shoes to fill. We will build on his legacy, as was his wish. As a Friend and Mentor to all of us, he is irreplaceable.