Infrastructure, Shipping and Ports
Environmental and sustainability services across all industries.
Sustainability and Environmental Reporting - Infrastructure, Shipping & Ports
As you would expect, given the large segment of resource companies in our customer base, we are very active across the industries that support their project construction, infrastructure maintenance and their logistics, such as rail, ports and shipping. We identify and collect data for most EPC companies on a contractor basis and for many of those that are large enough to trip thresholds based on their own activities. We assist over 20 port and rail facilities and have a long history within the marine support sector in Oil & Gas.
Thanks to our unique environmental and sustainability accounting system, Envago, we can take the headache out of regulatory and non-mandated disclosure reporting. We empower our clients to go beyond compliance to improve productivity, lower costs and grow environmental stewardship.
As the resource sector outlines its path to Net Zero, Greenbase can help on that journey with:
National Greenhouse and Energy Reporting (NGER) and Safeguard - Australia
National Pollutant Inventory (NPI) - Australia
GHG assessments, including Scope 3
Baseline calculation and tracking your Net Zero pathways
Life Cycle Assessment (LCA)
We work with complex resource- and energy-intensive companies to standardise disclosure and go beyond compliance.
Our Global Capabilities
Many of our clients have international operations and subsidiaries, so our environmental and sustainability reporting and advisory services span the globe. We provide clients with regional expertise backed by the power and reliability of our Envago accounting system and processes.